Over the last ten months, I have often been asked what the greatest need of the TBC might be. Here is the answer: personal and corporate revival that is birthed in a desperate hunger for God and God alone. Our greatest need is not vision, organizational restructuring, or strategic planning, as vitally important as those things are in fulfilling The Great Commission. Indeed, we must give our attention to vision, realignment, and strategic planning. But the fuel and fire for all we do must come from a brokenness of our hearts so that we might know His heart. We are talking about a brutally honest repentance that leads to real holiness. Our pride, arrogance, and selfishness must be crucified and radically replaced with genuine humility.
Living in a state of 3-4 ½ million people without Christ, we must confess that we cannot begin to reach them through our own strength. We need such a movement of God that unity of purpose becomes an ever present reality among Tennessee Baptists. The common denominator that makes us an uncommon denomination will be a complete surrender to the Lordship of Christ. There is no room at the cross for territorialism, disunity, axes to grind, or personal agendas. As a convention of churches, the choice is clear: die to self and exalt the Lord, or simply die.
As you complete reading this column, I invite you to read II Chronicles 7:14. Read it slowly, carefully, and prayerfully. Read it again. Now, let us fall on our faces and seek His face, praying for revival. There is nothing He wants to give to us more than the power of His presence.

  1. May 23, 2011

    Amen Brother Randy – Couldn’t agree more strongly!! Thanks for speaking the truth in love.

  2. June 12, 2011

    Diddy~I am constantly in prayer that God will give you the vision you need to lead this state and it is obvious that He is doing that. I am so proud to have a father who so closely listens and obeys our Father! You are a wonderful pastor to all of us and I love you very, VERY much! Can’t wait to see you…

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