DO YOU have a desire to see people come to know Jesus Christ?
DO YOU want to see your church grow?
DO YOU want to impact your community for Christ?
DO YOU want to see an increase in Sunday School attendance?
- 25% of Baptisms reported by SBC come from VBS.
- Every 1 person trained in VBS results in 1.1 salvation decisions.
- Increase prospects from community.
VBS in 2021
Destination Dig
Pack your bags and grab your gear, VBS 2021 is headed to present-day Israel where an epic adventure of discovery awaits. Discover long-hidden treasures, amazing finds, and exciting evidence that proves biblical events were not just stories. They really happened.
At Destination Dig, kids will unearth more than just dirt. They’ll discover real-life archaeological finds that have helped to uncover the truth about Jesus.
Backyard Kids Club
Multiply the impact of your VBS! Backyard Kids Club is a way for churches to take VBS outside their church and into your community.