Great Commission work is like having a balanced diet and Acts 1:8 is the recipe. You know the recipe: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come…

Dear Tennessee Baptists, Every personality profile evaluation I have ever taken identifies a particular character trait that is confirmed by my wife, family, friends, everyone I’ve worked with and by…

It is a heavy blow when God determines to bring to light that which is hidden in the shadows. Sometimes the Body of Christ must bear the weight of His…

Here’s a riddle for you. What do a banker, a contractor, an elementary teacher, a chemist, an engineering professor and a farmer all have in common? Answer: They are all…

The most gut-wrenching and soul-devastating site in the world is seeing women militantly demanding the right to kill their unborn babies. I was reminded of this last week when I…

There have been some excellent Bible teachers over the last 100 years. Without reservation, I count the late Dr. Ron Dunn as one of them. He was filled with the…

You may be overrun with Christmas activities and see a busy 2019 blowing in like a thunderstorm racing across a Kansas prairie. Last minute gifts, parties, travel to be with…

Time passes, transitions happen, and generations come and go, but I pray we as Southern Baptists never lose the missionary spirit of Charlotte Digges “Lottie” Moon. Lottie Moon stood no…

In 1873, a young Dwight L. Moody stood in the vestry of a Baptist church in Dublin, Ireland, talking with Henry Varley, an influential British revivalist preacher. During the course…

It’s just two words but they are incredibly powerful when flowing from a heart genuinely filled with gratitude. They can be delivered a number of ways; a text, an e-mail,…

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