
Harvest Fields refers to off-campus efforts aimed at gathering lost people for the purpose of sharing the gospel.

A Harvest Field Catalyst is a staff member of the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board that is designated to be a devoted, available helper and supporter in any and every way to assist our churches in becoming a strong, productive Harvest Planter for the sake of lost souls. They serve as “encouragers” to our churches as they seek to fulfill the Great Commission. Please use the map below to contact a Catalyst in your region.

1. Acting Team Leader: Danny Sinquefield, 731-612-0626

2. Team Leader: Scott Shepherd 731-336-7235

3. Team Leader: Mark Miller 615-476-5564

4. Team Leader: Roc Collins 423-863-1292

5. Team Leader: Steve Pearson 615-587-9057

6. Team Leader: Joe Sorah 423-895-1481

7. Team Leader: Randy Pressnell 423-276-2277

Ethnic Team Leader: William Burton 423-231-6113