Fall is upon us. The smell in the air and the cool breeze mark a new season for us all. What a great time to make the most important thing … the most important thing. How do we sew into the fabric of our ministry/church the earnest desire to be more evangelistic? Here are a few opportunities:
1. Football is in the air. Nothing excites a community like their local football team. Did you know that the football team is often operated with less funds and assistance that they actually need? Here is how you can help ... (a) pray for the coaches and players (b) call the coaching staff to see if your church can cook for the team or at least the coaching staff (c) create a “fan item” (with church info) to be handed out at the game.
2. School is back in session. Teachers and administrators are excited, overwhelmed and most often under appreciated. How can you serve them … (a) call the administration and offer to take care of the meal during their next teacher in-service (b) gather your local students and pray for the school and staff (c) offer the administration to paint a room or build tables (d) be present at the sporting events and get to know the people around you.
3. Fall break is around the corner. What a great opportunity for families as they plan a family outing or vacation. Here are some ideas to help those families … (a) schedule a 2-3 day mission trip that they couldn’t plan on their own (b) organize a parent’s day out program for that one week for the parent’s that cannot take off (c) do a fall version of Vacation Bible School or Backyard Kid’s Club (d) help to plan a family vacation to get group discounts for those that are considering leaving town.
4. Fall festivals are happening. Young families will be looking for a safe place to take their children at the end of October for candy and fun. Here is how you can connect … (a) schedule a fall festival for your church to share Christ with the neighborhood (b) partner with a community entity that is going to be doing a festival and be present with the community (c) provide group rates for church member and their friends to go to local fall events.
Remember that each of the previous ideas are wired in such a way for you to build relationships with lost people and to earn access to share Jesus with them. #GospelConversationAreKey