On June 1, the Mission Mobilization Center will be dedicated in Mt. Juliet. The MMC will be a 30,000 + square foot facility used for disaster response coordination and housing for Disaster Relief equipment. This labor of love started in 2010 and will culminate in the realization of a ministry tool valued at over $2,000,000. Every dollar has been donated above and beyond Cooperative Program gifts, and when we cut the ribbon the building will be free of any debt.
How in the world do you accomplish such a great feat for the Kingdom? In the same way that fully devoted followers of Christ carrying the Baptist banner have accomplished great things for a long, long time. The way Baptists built some of the greatest compassion ministries like children’s homes, hospitals, adult care facilities, educational institutions (colleges, universities and seminaries), and the greatest missionary sending agencies in the world such as the IMB and NAMB. Each one of these Christ-focused enterprises have had a few things in common—the same things that have resulted in the Mission Mobilization Center…
1. PASSIONATE PRAYING. It goes without saying that the only way to move mountains is through passionate, constant praying with the Heavenly Father. We do not get Him involved with what we are doing. We get involved in what He is doing. Persistent prayer is the key element in real victory.
2. It begins with a VISION. Don and Ann Davis and the rest of their family had a vision of turning 18 acres into a campus for multiple Great Commission focused ministries. They entrusted that land to the Tennessee Baptist Convention. Everything rises and falls on clear, focused vision.
3. It continues with a DEMONSTRATED NEED. I have heard for over 20 years that Tennesseans respond to great need. And, Tennesseans respond with all of their heart, mind, soul, and resources when they see a great need. The need for such a facility as MMC has been obvious. It will serve not only TBC Disaster Relief, but Nashville is a crossroads for people throughout our nation heading to places of need.
4. Something beyond ourselves requires GREAT SACRIFICE. Many have sacrificed their financial resources and much of their time to see the MMC built. Over 32,895 volunteer man hours have been given, resulting in a savings of $675,992.25. It has not been easy. This project was started in the time of one of the greatest recessions in the history of our nation. And yet, we have been able to see it come to completion without borrowing any money.
5. To accomplish something great for God involves SOLID COOPERATION. I have learned through 34 years of pastoring that when people pray together, sweat together, laugh together, and weep together, they are indeed together. All four of those elements have been seen during the construction of the MMC. Our volunteers, as well as hundreds of people that have never set foot on the Mt. Juliet campus, have prayed over this project. Hundreds of volunteers have bonded as they have labored. There have been times of great laughter and deep weeping throughout this project.
6. Accomplishing something great for God will see PEOPLE UNIFIED by vision, need, sacrifice, and real cooperation. On the day of Pentecost, the disciples burst onto the pages of history with Holy Spirit power, and on the birthday of the church accomplished something great for God. And since that day, over and over again, the process has repeated itself. The result: Tennessee has a very useful Great Commission tool called the Mission Mobilization Center. It will be exciting in the days ahead to see this tool employed in Kingdom work and watch lost people come to know Jesus Christ as a result of something that started with a saintly couple’s vision.
It is a joy to be with you on this journey.