It seems as if every Christmas program has the Magi showing up at the manger at the big moment of the production. And so they should. These great spiritual and scholarly followers of Jehovah were called “wise” for a reason…or two…or five.
Reason 1—THEY HELD TO A HIGH VIEW OF SCRIPTURE. They knew the Messianic prophecy of Numbers 24:7, “…A star will come out of Jacob.”
Wisdom does not come from merely knowing the word of God. Many people know His word and still possess no wisdom—only knowledge. These Magi are counted as wise because they received and responded in complete obedience to His word. The word of God impacted how they lived their everyday lives. Respectful, authoritative, anointed teaching and preaching of the word of God still causes wise men to be drawn to Christ.
Reason 2—THEY WERE DRIVEN BY DIVINE PURPOSE. To King Herod they stated simply and succinctly their mission: “We have seen His star in the east and have come to worship Him” (Matthew 2:2). Not even a pagan king could prevent them from getting to their King of All Kings. The Father has a powerful and compelling purpose for every fully devoted follower of Christ. It is called The Great Commission. We wisely live out The Great Commission in our daily routine introducing others to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Reason 3—THEY ENJOYED THE MOMENT. Wise people do not worry and fret about tomorrow, nor do they live in yesterday. They enjoy this day. They see what God is doing and dance like crazy realizing He is up to something great. Matthew 2:10 paints a picture of these eastern dignitaries having what the old-timers call “a spell.” Their rejoicing was over-the-top exuberance. The Scripture says “they rejoiced with great joy.” Are we sensitive enough to what God is doing around us that it causes us to break forth in a joy-filled abundant moment of celebration? Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised.
Reason 4—THEY KNEW HOW TO WORSHIP. We hear a lot of talk today about worship style, but little discussion of worship posture. These wisemen saw the child Jesus and, “fell down and worshipped Him.”
In broken humility, they bowed down. Approaching the throne of God with confidence does not mean we approach His throne with arrogance. He is still God, and we are still those that were in sin but have been saved by His grace and mercy. We need never to forget that without Jesus we can do nothing, and we are nothing. It is all about Jesus.
Reason 5—THEY GAVE JESUS THEIR BEST. These wisemen gave the best they had to the long expected Messiah. Not what was convenient. Not what was easy. Not that which was common. And certainly, they did not give to Jesus the leftovers. They gave Him an extravagant expression of hearts that were filled with gratitude. Their gifts represented deep love, not dutiful legalism. A wise little boy presented Jesus all that he had—a few fish and a few biscuits. A wise and forgiven woman presented to Christ an alabaster box of expensive perfume. The wisest gift that we can every give Jesus is the surrender of our lives to His wonderful Lordship.
“Oh, come, let us adore Him.” That would be a very wise thing to do.
Merry Christmas, dear people. It is a joy to be on this Kingdom journey with you.